To see this side you must install the font "Benni`s Font"
if you see silly signs (æ <-- that must be "Benni") than you must on the top click on "View" than on "Code" and than on "Userdefined" or like this in InternetExplorer (sorry I don`t know it in english or netscape).
Hi my name is Benjamin, but i like æ more it's shorter too and å is my nickname. I am 13 and live in the north of Germany ¾ and I'm visiting the 6th grade of "Orientierungstufe" (a german school for 5th and 6th grade). I like english most.
My hobbies are,
and................... !!!!!!!!!!!
I wish ti hafe a À but a ¼ is ok, too Î.
My best friends are è the
ç the¿ Ç he is really often in a ã this is why he ever is Õ the à hehehe ç likes if i say á he is my â and have corrected the errors on my sites (and Tim and Roland too) that's why he can say º to me Î.
Henry is realy cool an my online gramp. Henry write poems that are very nice. But he must leran cooking hehehehe
é, I call him Bingaroo Ý ore Jar Jar Bingo Ç he is 13, and life in the USA and can speak a little German.
Eric is 7 and very clever and like Horses aaaand ===------- yeah STARWARS. Eric is my online little Jedi brother hehe.
Tiggers is verry funny, if i am sad i only look on his page then its better Î
Tomboy is a Doc and like music. His Jedi Name is Qui-Doc Tom, them he hafe from me Å
i meet Markie , Jero and James often in IRC they are realy good friends, I like them much Ë
ê is 13 he have maaaaany names: Ú and Û and other...
ì life in Costa Rica and like Á and birds
ñ and î like Â. ñ have a Indian name that mean Ã.
í is really cool he lives in the USA, too
with ð you can really good chat and he have 5 À
ò ó õ ù life in the USA, too.
ô and ø live in England (I think)
þ makes good ¹ and he is the friend of ÿ.
and ý and Bennibear are the Ù from ç.
and û is mine and Speedy is his friend Î.
My -Name is BenniKenobi and mostI am in the chanels #lone_ridge #dean`sDen und #!@allfriends on DalNet.
I hafe too if you
will hafe my number please send me email.
Here are some picture that I have got
this is from ç
this from ê
this is from ð
this from þ
and this I have found in the internet